Los Angeles Mission Trip Summary 2024

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We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all those who prayed for and encouraged us during our first mission trip to Los Angeles last week. This was our 30th mission trip in 19 years of ministry. We are grateful for the God-given opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus and to serve alongside the staff and volunteers at Serve LA. They have an incredible heart and vision for “seeing the unseen,” a motto they frequently use. We loved hearing them say to the guests we served, “It is great to see you again,” making them feel seen and loved as Jesus did with everyone He met.

During our mission, we worked with dedicated volunteers whose efforts in talking with people, offering encouragement, and sharing their testimonies were inspiring. We connected deeply with individuals like Al, Dee, Charlie, and Donald, who came in for a meal each day. We spent time at their table, offering love, encouragement, and prayers. Additionally, we visited Skid Row to pray with and encourage people, reminding them that there is hope in the name of Jesus.

One of our key takeaways was seeing the unseen, as exemplified by one man who had been with this mission for 23 years. He told us that he grew tired of churches preaching without action and decided to start a ministry on the front steps with a cardboard sign that read “Free Bread.” His small initiative marked the beginning of this impactful ministry that we see today. As God provides, we will continue to go and tell others about Jesus whenever He sends us. We give God all the glory! We are blessed to experience this joy that can never be taken away and will always be remembered.


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