New Orleans Mission Trip Overview 2024

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We arrived home from our annual mission trip to New Orleans last night and want to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone for their love, support, and prayers. We had 39 people join us on this trip, focusing on street ministry, sitting down wherever we went and loving people unconditionally. We were incredibly proud of our teenagers’ boldness in sharing the gospel with tourists, homeless individuals, and local residents. Our students memorized scripture before the trip, and it was incredibly encouraging to hear them recite these verses frequently during ministry. We loved people in the French Market, Jackson Square, Canal Street, City Hall near the Joy Theatre, and other random streets, parks, and subsidized apartment complexes. On the 4th of July, we partnered with a church that buses in those in need, where we were able to wash people’s feet, provide free shoes, serve food, wash hair, and offer manicures. Their efforts helped us shine the light of Jesus in a very dark area of our world. Thank you once again!

The Walk Youth Group

Building 229

Thomas County area ministry

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” - Matthew 28:19


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