Our Students Are Such A Blessing!

We feel incredibly blessed to have students always willing to assist us. We dedicated several hours to prepare for the D-Now weekend. The Walk Youth Group Building 229 oneneednow.com Thomas County area ministry

Passion 2024 Atlanta

We love Passion! High School Seniors The Walk Youth Group Building 229

NYC mission trip story 2023

NYC mission trip story 2023: This morning God laid it on Chris’ heart to remind our group of the two greatest commandments, “love the Lord your God with all you heart, soul, and strength” and “love your neighbor as yourself”. We began our days journey by rushing through the subway. We were in a hurry and running behind. As we rushed through the subway we passed a man who was standing with his bible sharing the gospel. We immediately turned back around and stood and listened to him...

The Walk Holiday Newsletter 2023

The Walk Holiday Newsletter 2023 As the year concludes, we gratefully reflect on the ways God has touched our community. Our teenagers experienced divine moments in various locations, from the river in New Orleans to New York City parks and the sidewalks of San Francisco. Whether on Sunday afternoons, Monday or Wednesday nights, or at events like Bigstuf and mission trips to other states, our students sought a deeper understanding and a personal relationship with God. In quiet...

Bigstuf 2023 Youth Story

I am building my house on sand. I’m not satisfied with the house I am building. My house is a house that seems like it’s always under construction. Last year BigStuf was the prime of my life. I felt close to God and I was genuinely happy. After school started, I was so caught up in homework and sports. I never took the time out of my day to regain my connection that I used to have. I’m still super happy. Currently, I surrounded myself with people who better me. But even though I’m...

Thomas County Thanksgiving Outreach

We're very thankful to everyone who helped us distribute meals in our community this Thanksgiving. Thanks to those who prepared the meals, and to Project Backyard for organizing the event. It was a great opportunity to unite people from different denominations in the name of Jesus, spreading joy in our community through a simple meal. Thank you again to all those who served! The Walk Youth Group Building 229 oneneednow.com Thomas County area ministry

New Orleans Mission Trip Story 2022

One of our students wrote this essay for a class assignment: During the summer of 2022, I went on my second mission trip to New Orleans. On one of our last days there, I felt sick and didn’t want to go out that day. With the group, it wasn't possible for one of the leaders to stay at the house with me, so I had to go anyway. The next day was July 4th and there's always a big festival on that day. It is held at the same church every year and is a place for homeless people to go for food,...

Our Students Choose to Emulate Their Families by Engaging in Acts of Service

We appreciate it when our students choose to emulate their families by engaging in acts of service. One of our dedicated parent volunteers, Alaina, along with her husband Matthew, served diligently with their youth group during their high school years in the NYC area (as shown in the attached old picture) back in 2001, just a month before the tragic events of 9/11. We are filled with joy to see that their children, Johnny, Alyssa, and Michelle, have now accompanied us on multiple mission...

Grateful for the Opportunity to Serve in NYC-Brooklyn 2023

We're grateful for the opportunity to serve during our fall break in NYC last week. A big thank you to everyone who supported us through prayers and donations! We shared the message of Jesus at various locations like Washington Square Park, Union Square Park, Times Square, Central Park, the Roosevelt Hotel, Madison Square Park, and wherever God led us. Our teenagers fearlessly spread the good news and prayed for strangers, while our students confidently expressed their beliefs. They...

3rd Annual NYC-Brooklyn Mission Trip

We are excited to begin our third annual mission trip to NYC-Brooklyn NY! Please join us in praying for the hearts of the people in NYC-Brooklyn as well as the members of our team. We look forward to sharing stories of what the Lord does this week. The Walk Youth Group Building 229 oneneednow.com Thomas County area ministry

NYC Mission Trip Story 2021

One of our students wrote this essay for a class assignment: My very first mission trip was to New York City in the summer of 2021. I had never been on a trip like this before, so I had no idea what to expect. Getting there I had already felt discouraged after having to go through the busy subway with ten people's suitcases and bags. We went to the house and all of us were exhausted. We had so many things packed into the next ten days, and I didn’t think I could do it. Starting out the...

High School Lock-in - September 2023

Our first High School lock-in at Building 229 went really well!